Sunday, December 9, 2007

#35 - Mini-blogging with Twitter

Well I tried joining up to Twitter. I must say I've never really seen the point of Twitter. I'm not really that interested in what people are up to at any point in the day.

Anyhoo, I started filling out the form. At the moment I'm stuck on Stage 2 - Fetching contacts. First up you have to fill out a Yahoo/Hotmail/AOL email address and your password so that Twitter can check your contacts. There is no skip option. So I finally thought oh well I'll add my Yahoo address. Twitter is stuck trying to load the contacts.

In searching the web to see if there were any problems using Twitter in Australia I did find several blog articles that mentioned Twitter via SMS had been suspended because of the high costs.

So I'm done with this. I surfed on over to Jaiku. I had to request an invite - they'll let me know when there's an account available.

Cheers, webgurl

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