Friday, September 28, 2007

Week 3 #5 - Photos and images - Uploading to Flickr

I've had a Flickr account for almost 2 years but haven't gotten around to uploading photos. I thought it would be great to take this opportunity to share my most favourite thing at Dreamworld - the tigers.

I used up 3 rolls of film on the tigers on my last visit. My friend explored the rest of Dreamworld while I stayed with the tigers. I always wanted to be a zookeeper so this would be a dream job for me.

Flickr is a great way to share photos with people around the world. You can also adjust the privacy settings and decide who see the photos and who can comment on them. If you change the privacy setting to you instead of everyone and tick family and friends then only your family and friends can view the photos. Of course you'll have to set up by either inviting them (through the Contacts menu) to become a member or do a search for them through the Contact menu and add them as your contact (family & friends)

Check out my photos at webgurlrules.

Cheers, webgurl

1 comment:

Webgurl said...

Sorry blogarazzo - you left your comment just as I was deleting and reposting the original Flickr post about the tigers.

Anyhoo here it is:

"I too love the tigers at Dreamworld. I will try to get some some of my photos out there!!
I love your positive comments to everyone. You are right, it fun to have people respond to what you are doing." Blogarazzo.

Thanks heaps. I'll come and check out your blog. I love seeing what everyone else is doing and don't we all love receiving comments :-)

Cheers, webgurl