Monday, September 10, 2007

Week 2 #3 - What's the deal with 23squared?

Staff at Eastern Regional Libraries along with other Victorian Public Libraries are participating in the 23 Things program Learning 2.0. We're playing with social networking tools and thinking about their application in public libraries. Blah blah!!

Well I've decided to take this further and use this blog I'm developing for week one of the program to introduce some of the cool things I've found on the 'net. It's an expansion of 23 Things hence the 23squared title. Think of it as not just a swan-dive into the 23 Things but a Inward 3 and 1/2 somersault in the tuck position. :-)

Cheers, webgurl


The Learning 2.0 Program said...

Looking forward to reading about some of your discoveries- I, too, think Google taking over Blogger has added to the overall service greatly.
Enjoy your exploration!

Webgurl said...

Thanks. Once I get through the multitude of emails that built up after my few days leave I'll add a few more articles about add-ons to blogs and add some screen images for adding feeds from Google Reader.

Cheers, webgurl

Suzanne Allan said...

Ok smarty pants, I got two lines out. All jokes aside very impressive, I think I will learn lots, I have already. Bye for now SEA