Monday, October 22, 2007

New template and tagging

Well I was feeling a little cramped with the last template so I decided it was time for a change. What do you think?

I'll have a think if I want to add another coloumn. I haven't decided yet.

Anyhoo onto the exercises for this week - Tagging, Folksonomies and Technorati. Well most of us would have started tagging our blog posts already. The great thing about adding tags is that I can click on the tag and quickly get all of the articles that person has blogged about that tag.

Cheers, webgurl


Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

I do like the template, and your 23 squared logo


Webgurl said...

Thanks Lynette. The template is Denim. I've altered the colours and I whipped up a quick little logo in GIMP, a free image editor. Took a little html to place it beside the header but it sits just nicely. The white computer chip backgound at the sides I found at a free background site.

I think it's simple and clean. Looks even better on my 20-inch iMac - but then everything does **sighs**.

Cheers, webgurl

p.s. Thanks so much for my prize the other week. I've been happily transferring some songs from my iTunes.