Sunday, October 28, 2007

Week 6 #14 - Technorati

Technorati is a great search tool for find blogs and posts. There is so much to explore for those with an interest in web trends.

I did a search for Learning 2.0. There were 6,975 results - I'm sure we're in there somewhere. Upon browsing the results I found an article from Stephen Abram (Stephen's Lighthouse) about the State Library Learning 2.0 program. The authority number next to the result gives an indication of the number of blogs that link to the website. It isn't the number of links because one blog may link to your blog heaps of times. It only counts as one link. The higher the authority, the more sites linking to it, therefore the more authoritative it is.

While you're looking at the results page cast your eye over to the right to see a graph of the number of blog posts mentioning your search term per day. I like this feature.

Of course I also searched for my own blogs. Firstly Eastern Regional Libraries events blog (What's New @ Eastern Regional Libraries)

I found a few blogs that link to it. A summary is below.

I also looked up this blog, 23squared. I found 2 blogs linking to this one. Thanks Zoya and Christian.

Cheers, webgurl

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