Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Week 4 #9 - RSS & newsreaders - searching for feeds

I tried using the search tools suggested into the instructions to search for RSS feeds but had mixed results. In the past I've used Technorati, Blogger Blog Search and Google with great results. I also use bloggers blogrolls a lot. If I find a blog of interest I check to see what they're reading. I often find cool blogs this way.

Here's some of the new tools I tried.

I tried searching libraries and public in Feedster and found only one article in the first page that concerned public libraries. I even tried adding quotes but didn't find anything useful. Big thumbs down.

Topix gave me some better results however I had to search with quotes to get more valid results.

I find that if you get offered a link to related tags it's best to click on this for better results.

Cheers, webgurl

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