Monday, October 29, 2007

Week 6 #15 - Library 2.0/Web 2.0

As a web designer I spend a lot of my time testing emerging technologies and thinking about their application in our library service. I don't decide to adopt something because it's cool or shiny and new. I like to imagine how it can improve someone's access to our services or their experience on our website.

I loved Wendy Schultz's comment that, "Libraries are not merely in communities, they are communities". Previously it was common library practice for staff to decide what their members wanted. Some books did just sit on the shelves just in case a particular question was asked. The advent of online resources has changed that immensely. Our printed reference collections are shrinking in favour of online resources. At present I'm working on setting up a wiki for our online information links. I hope to see library staff collaborating with school staff and members to maintain these pages. I want to extend it to tutorials for our online resources and study guides.

I anticipate this being warmly received by our younger members and those who are down with Web 2.0 but what about the rest? I think it's important these members are not forgotten. Perhaps offering some training sessions so interested members can find out what it's all about. That's another reason why Learning 2.0 is a great project. When library staff learn about blogs, wikis and social bookmarking etc they can talk to others about it. Perhaps mention it while showing a member some sites while doing a reference interview.

Cheers, webgurl

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