Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Week 4 #8 RSS & News Readers

Well I already had a Bloglines account that I only used occasionally. I actually have access to about five newsreaders; Bloglines, My Yahoo, Google Reader, Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Thunderbird. Mostly I use Firefox as I always have this open.

After remembering the login, no mean feat I must say, I set about adding a few more feeds. I actually organised them as I went by putting them in folders. I used the search box in the top right pane to search for feeds on particular subjects of interest; library, web design and technology etc.

I followed the instructions for sharing the blogroll (or list of feeds) only to find that these instructions are out of date.

To adjust your settings to share your Blogroll:

  1. Click on the Account link at the top right.
  2. Click on the Blog settings link at the right.
  3. Select Yes, publish my Blogroll.
  4. Click the Save changes button.
  5. Click on the share link at the bottom left.
  6. You'll find the link to the public version of your Blogroll at the bottom right.
Webgurl's Bloglines blogroll can be found at http://www.bloglines.com/public/webgurl.

If you want to add my feed to your Bloglines blogroll the address is http://feeds.feedburner.com/23squared

Cheers, webgurl


Jodie said...

Thanks for the blogroll add Webgurl. Your blog looks great - I def know where to come if I need help on any of this Learning 2.0 'stuff'!

Webgurl said...

You're welcome Jewinda.

Cheers, webgurl